Helena Okolicsanyi

Freelance radio journalist
Washington D.C.
Book and music hoarding 22 year old, enthusiastic about the world with a passionate curiosity. Based near Washington D.C., but wants to travel and explore more stories. Interested in human rights issues, arts, and culture.


Helena Okolicsanyi

Microsoft Word
Social Media
Basic HTML
Pop culture enthusiast
Audio editing
AP Style
Online news writing

A 22 year old (recent) graduate from George Mason University majoring in Global Affairs with a concentration in Global Communication & Technology. I also hold a minor in Electronic Journalism and hope to work as a radio journalist in the future. During the spring of 2011, I worked at National Public Radio’s Washington Desk as an intern where I helped cover national political news from the White House, campaigns and the U.S. Congress including the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden. In the spring of 2012, I was a producer’s assistant for the award-winning discussion show The Kojo Nnamdi Show based on American University’s campus as part of NPR’s member station WAMU. I served as the Entertainment Editor for Connect2Mason, George Mason University's student run media outlet for the students and the community. Currently, I am a media logger at Voice of America monitoring incoming news feeds and transcribing video. I am also a contributor to American Student Radio.

Outside of journalism I was a third year residential adviser for freshmen students and served on the executive board for Invisible Children at George Mason University's campus. In June of 2013, I was a state leader with the nonprofit The Enough Project, working on encouraging congressional leaders to support anti-genocide legislation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan.